
Booty Work and Mind/Muscle Connection

I had a conversation with a friend yesterday about how we’ve both given up on wearing regular jeans. If the words “stretch”, “lycra”, or “jegging” aren’t on the tag, then I’m not even wasting my time. There’s no point in the inevitable disappointment that will come if I take a non-stretch pair of jeans to the dressing room. It’s the same sad story every time…up the ankles and to the knees is fine, but then you start inching up your quads and trouble hits. If, and that’s a big IF, I can get them up entirely then the waist is definitely gapping. Typically, though, the jeans don’t even make it past the thighs. And in case you needed a visual, this is likely how you will find me on any given day when I’m putting any pant on that isn’t a legging…


And, I came across this article, which definitely made me laugh, but also had me saying, “Yes, that’s me!” for almost every single point they made…Hopefully it gives you a laugh, too!

So, now that I’ve probably bored any male readers into thinking all I write about is girly frou frou stuff, I’m going to move on and get serious.

Building strong glutes is one of my main focuses when working out even though it’s not really a muscle group that I truly need to “build”. I have just decided that my genetics naturally have given me a little extra in the gluteus Maximus department, so instead of just letting it be the cushion it could be, I am going to make it solid and jiggle free. I never could figure out how to twerk anyhow, so I don’t need all that bounce.

I work my glutes with my hamstrings twice per week. I’ve been doing this for about 3 months now, and it’s where I get most creative with my workouts. There are so many machines in the gym that aren’t typically used for glute work, but anything’s possible when you have an active imagination. I vary between heavy movements and light plyometric type work. I have also found that a lot of the videos I post are glute/hami related. I haven’t found anyone yet who says they want to learn how to shrink their glutes, so I’m hoping my ideas and exercises are coming in handy for other people as well. Your glutes (and legs in general) are pretty large muscles, so they can take a pretty hefty beating workout-wise. Don’t be afraid to use heavy weight (FEMALES!!) but also don’t neglect the finer, girlier movements (as my boyfriend puts it). Those girly isolation movements, like hip thrusts and kickbacks, can be beneficial for everyone. You just need to strike a fine balance between heavy work and detail work. I found an article that perfectly articulates how I feel: yes, squats, deadlifts, and lunges are great key components to workouts because of their excellent stance as compound movements, but don’t be afraid to try some of the lesser known isolation movements for targeted glute training. (here’s the article:

Another big factor in glute training, as with all of your training, is mind/muscle connection. A lot of people give me a funny look when I say this, but honestly it works. Close your eyes, have someone put pressure on the muscle you’re trying to engage, whatever works for you…but the point is that you should be consciously thinking about and focusing on the specific muscle you are trying to engage with your exercise. For example, if you’re doing side lateral raises, have someone stand behind you and just put fingertip pressure on your deltoid muscle. It’s as simple as that, really. Try it and see for yourself. And if you don’t have someone, and you’re working out alone (or at home) just try closing your eyes to focus better. Just be careful not to lose your balance when doing this. I’m not saying that doing these techniques is going to vastly improve your chances of muscle growth or strength, but if you’re having trouble getting a good muscle contraction with a certain exercise, it’s definitely worth a try to focus your mind like this.

Now get to some booty work and as Ice Cube said, “you can do it, put your back into”!


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